Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tree of life

034 This morning Joshua spotted a koala in the big gum tree out the front of mum and dad's place. Even though they are native to Eastern Australia, it's pretty rare to see them in the wild, let alone in the back streets of suburbia! We were thrilled to see she didn't move far all day and so we camped out on the deck this afternoon to watch the sun go down and keep an eye on her in her tree. (I'm no expert, but a little bit of research* told me that males usually have a dark brown scent gland in the middle of their white chest. Our friend doesn't seem to have this.)

As we sat, rainbow lorikeets played in the outer leaves of the tree. The sun disappeared and we saw the silhouette of a darling little sugar slider climb up the same lovely big gum and glide down to a neighbouring tree below. Kookaburras laughed. Some flying foxes swooped by and the crickets and cicadas began their chorus.

What a glorious din.

*More koala facts: Australian Koala Foundation
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